BMI Executive Institute Announces Relocation to Prestigious Artery Business Center in Vilnius

The “BMI Executive Institute” has unveiled its latest office in the state-of-the-art “Artery” business center, featuring an inspiring and innovative learning environment designed by “Plazma” architecture studio. This new location replaces the institute’s previous premises in the “Europa” business center, where it had been organizing executive-level studies for over a decade. The new business center completed this year was made in collaboration with “Archinova” and the worldly-renowned architect Daniel Libeskind’s studio.

The new office, situated on the seventh floor and covering 700 square meters, includes a terrace with stunning views of the city center and Gediminas Castle. The space features study area, office areas, and lounge spaces, as well as a dedicated zone for the “BMI Alumni Executive Club,” aimed at fostering connections among the institute’s graduates.

Jurga Bendikaitė-Ursavas, Director of BMI Executive Institute, emphasized the importance of quality in the design: “We wanted our visiting executives to experience the excellence of our programs in every detail. The environment in which they learn is crucial. To achieve this, we invested significantly in natural, durable materials, acoustic solutions, and elements that create a cozy atmosphere,” says Jurga Bendikaitė-Ursavas, Director General of BMI Executive Institute, describing the primary objective behind the new premises.

The office design also prioritizes the comfort of employees, abandoning open-office layouts in favor of solutions that enhance acoustics. The office includes small meeting and conference rooms, and a spacious rest area with a kitchen to bring the team together.

Viltė Zubrytė-Tamulė, the architect from “Plazma,” explained the challenges of the project: “The complexity of this project arose from the unconventional building layout and diagonal walls. We had to integrate all elements neatly, utilize the space ergonomically, manage the building’s acoustics with glass surrounding the perimeter, and arrange various functions, including the large training hall. Multiple redesigns were necessary to find the optimal layout.”

To create a home-like atmosphere within the business district, “Plazma” selected warm, light materials such as wood and natural colors. Elements reminiscent of a library, including bookshelves and desk lamps, were incorporated to enhance the educational environment. A forest-themed painting and moss-colored carpeting further contribute to a serene atmosphere.

Jurga Bendikaitė-Ursavas noted that more artworks by Lithuanian artists will be added over time. The first piece, “Forest” by Linas Kaziulionis, covers an entire wall in the training hall and also functions as an acoustic panel, significantly improving the room’s sound quality.

In addition to executive training, the institute’s new spaces will host open lectures on business management, company governance, leadership, and the latest technologies.

The interior design project was managed by “Town Projects,” with furniture manufactured by “Narbutas” and freestanding furniture supplied by “Subtilitas.” Technical and acoustic solutions were provided by “Meritokratas.”

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